Ultimate Boot CD v5 1

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352 MB
Película Ultimate Boot CD v5 1
Ultimate Boot CD v5 1: Toda la información que necesitas saber sobre Programas.
Ultimate Boot CD v5.1
English | Free | ISO | 345 MB | Booteable
Ultimate Boot CD es un Autoarrancable que tiene todo lo necesario para reparar, restarurar o diagnisticar nuesta PC, todas las herramientas incluidas son Freeware por lo cual su descarga y uso es completamente gratuita.
!BIOS 3.20
BIOS 1.35.0
KEYDisk n/a
WipeCMOS 1.2
CPU Burn-in 1.00
CPUinfo n/a
Intel Processor Frequency ID 7.2.20041115
Intel Processor Identification Utility 4.22.20100302
Mersenne Prime Test 24.14
Stress 1.00
StressCPU 2.0
x86test 0.10a
Boot Management
Boot Partition 2.60
boot.kernel.org (BKO)
EditBINI 1.01.1
GAG (Graphical Boot Manager) 4.10
Gujin 2.8.1
MBRtool 2.3.100
MBRWork 1.07b
netboot.me n/a
PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.10
Smart BootManager 3.7.1
SPFDISK 2000-03t
Super Grub Disk 0.9799
Super Grub2 Disk 1.30
XFDISK 0.9.3 beta
XOSL (Extended Operating System Loader) 1.1.5
Data Recovery
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor 080802 n/a
PhotoRec 6.12-WIP
TestDisk 6.12-WIP
Hard Disk Information & Management
AMSET 4.00
ATA Password Tool 1.1
Change Definition Utility (for Fujitsu M16xx/M2915 HDDs) n/a
DiskCheck 3.8
ESFeat 2.30
Feature Tool 2.15
UATA100 3.06
UDMA Utility (for Fujitsu MPD/MPE/MPF series HDDs) n/a
UDMA Utility (for Fujitsu MPG series HDDs) n/a
Ultra ATA Manager June, 2003
Hard Disk Diagnosis
ATA Diagnostic Tool 7.0
DLG Diagnostic 4.15
DLG Diagnostic 5.04f
Drive Fitness Test 4.16
ES-Tool 3.00g
ESTest 4.50
HDAT2 4.7.1
HUTIL 1.21
HUTIL 2.10
MHDD32 4.5
MHDD32 4.6
PowerMax 4.09
PowerMax 4.23
SCSIMax 1.21
SeaTools for DOS 2.20
SeaTools for DOS 1.10
ViVARD 0.4
Hard Disk Cloning
CopyWipe 1.14
EaseUs Disk Copy 2.4
g4u 2.4
HDClone 3.9.2
partimage 0.6.8 beta 1
Partition Saving 3.80
PC INSPECTOR clone-maxx 1.0
Hard Disk Low-Level Editing
Disk Editor 3.0
DiskSpy Free Edition 2.0
PTS DiskEditor 1.04
Hard Disk Wiping
Active@ KillDisk Free Edition 4.1.2393
CopyWipe 1.14
Dariks Boot and Nuke beta.2007042900
Fujitsu Erase Utility n/a
HDDErase 4.0
PC INSPECTOR e-maxx 0.95
SUTIL 1.01
Hard Disk Installation
Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2
DiscWizard 2003 10.45.06
DiscWizard 10.0.5077
Disk Manager 10.42
MaxBlast 4.0
Partition Management
Cute Partition Manager 0.9.8
FIPS 2.0
Free FDISK 1.3.1
GParted 0.5.2 GPL
Partition Resizer 1.3.4
Partition Saving 3.80
PTDD Super Fdisk 1.0
Ranish Partition Manager 2.40
SPFDISK 2000-03t
XFDISK 0.9.3 beta
Memtest86 3.5
Memtest86+ 4.10
TestMemIV n/a
Windows Memory Diagnostic n/a
AVIRA AntiVir Rescue System 3.6.9-20100512182845
FileLink 3.01
Parted Magic 4.10
UBCD FreeDOS R1.38
ATAPI CDROM Identification 2.22
CD Index 1.1
CHZ Monitor-Test 2.0
Parallel Port Information System 1.45
AIDA16 2.14 n/a
ASTRA 5.45
Hardware Detection Tool 0.3.6
NSSI 0.60.38
PC-Config 9.33
PCI 1.1 Freeware
PCISniffer 1.5
System Speed Test 32 4.78
Cambios Recientes
Changes in version 5.1 (Jul 30, 2011):
Added IBM Disk Manager V9.57.
Added AleGr MEMTEST V2.00.
Added DIMM_ID V3.57. This is a special UBCD-only contribution.
Added Dsrfix V3.12.
Added HDShredder V3.8.0 (Free Edition).
Added HWiNFO V5.5.2. Thanks to Johannes Hauber for suggesting this, and ady for the update.
Added Kon-Boot V1.1.
Added older version of HDAT2 (V4.5.3).
Added Partinfo V1.11. Thanks to ady for the suggestion.
Added Video Memory Stress Test V1.7. Thanks to dthatcher for the suggestion.
Added wdidle3 V1.05.
Deprecated AVIRA AntiVir Rescue System, which is considered to be best left as a customization option.
Substitute econfig.c32 with whichsys.c32 and removed ubcdmenusisolinuxmain.cfg.
Temporarily point cpustress kernel image to /pmagic/bzImage to alleviate lockup problems.
Updated ES-Tool to V3.01p. Added historical info about ES-Tool help text.
Updated Seagate DiscWizard to V11.0.8326.
Updated ASTRA to V5.50. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated Dariks Boot and Nuke to 2.2.6 beta (rebuilt with isolinux V3.86 to improve compatibility).
Updated DiskCheck to V4.0.6. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated EaseUs Disk Copy to V2.3.1 with version from MajorGeeks (Mar 2010). Thanks to ady for sending me a PM about this. The launch method has been changed to memdisk.
Updated ES-Tool to V3.01v. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated syslinux to V4.0.4.
Updated grub4dos to V0.4.5b (2010-09-22) to support syslinux V4.
Updated Gujin to V2.8.4.
Updated HDAT2 to V4.8.1.
Updated HDClone to V4.0.6. Thanks for ady for the update.
Updated HDShredder to V3.8.1. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated HDT to V0.5.0. Fixed double APPEND and switch to using gzipped version of pci.ids. Also modified syslinux2grub4dos.sed to make special provision when translating HDT entry.
Updated Intel Processor Identification Utility to V4.32. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated MBRtool to V2.3.200. Thanks to ady for notifying me via PM.
Updated MBRWork to V1.08. Thanks to ady who sent me a PM about this.
Updated Memtest86 to V4.0. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated Memtest86+ to V4.20. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated NSSI to V0.60.45.
Updated Offline NT Password & Registry Editor to v110511. Thanks to IceCube for the update.
Updated Parted Magic to V6.3. Also updated pccmoscleaner-2.0.txz, pcdiskeraser-5.0.txz, pcloginnow-2.0.txz, pcregedit-2.0.txz from http://beefdrapes.partedmagic.com/modules/non-free/. grub4dos booting support is dropped. Updated F-Prot to V6.0.3. Update XFPROT to V2.4.
Updated Partition Saving to V3.90. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated PLoP Boot Manager to V5.0.12. Thanks to IceCube for the update.
Updated SeaTools for DOS to V2.23. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated shsucdx.com in UBCD FreeDOS libshsucdx.cab to V3.05. Thanks for ady for the update.
Updated Super Grub2 Disk to V1.98s1. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated to SPFDisk to 2000-03v. Thanks to Explorer09 for the update.
Updated UBCD FreeDOS to V1.44. Updated AUTOEXEC.BAT and added -n to mdiskchk.com to avoid hanging on certain BIOSes. Removed MOUSE_NCFG=0″ in etcglobal.set. Introduced nolbacache parameter (in memdisk and config.sys) to launch without LBACACHE. Optimized format of image. Shortened keybrd_ncfg and mouse_ncfg in config.sys to kb_ncfg and mse_ncfg respectively to fit everything into environment space. Updated bin7za.exe in UBCD FreeDOS to 9.13beta (courtesy of IceCube). Updated level1freedos.cabMORE.COM to V4.3 (courtesy of ady). Updated XCOPY to V1.4a. Updated SYS.COM from FreeDOS kernel 2039. Updated LOWDMA.SYS and UMBPCI.SYS to V3.81. Changed help.bat in level1help.bat to test for MORE.EXE instead of MORE.COM. Updated FreeDOS kernel to 2040 and SYS.COM (in level1freedos.cab) from the same package.
Updated ubcd2iso and ubcd2usb to remove boot.images subdirectory (created by IZArc) before image creation.
Updated ubcd2iso.cmd to support optional /g parameter to use grub4dos as the bootloader.
Updated ubcdtoolslinuxubcd2usbreadme.txt and added instructions to make created partition active. Thanks to timjwatts for the suggestion.
Updated ubcdtoolsunxutilsbinxz.exe to V5.0.3. Thanks to ady for the update.
Updated ubcdtoolswin32unxutilsbin7z.exe+dll to V9.22beta.
Updated WD DLG Diagnostic to V5.19.
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