IDM UltraEdit v17 30 0 1011

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Película IDM UltraEdit v17 30 0 1011
IDM UltraEdit v17 30 0 1011: Toda la información que necesitas saber sobre Programas.
IDM UltraEdit v17.30.0.1002
25.6 MB instalador | 15.2 Portable | Spanish |
Todo lo que un programador puede esperar de un editor
Es más que un reemplazo del Bloc de Notas, es un editor de textos completísimo orientado a la programación.
Soporta múltiples ficheros al mismo tiempo y de tamaño ilimitado, arrastrar y soltar, edición hexadecimal, configuración de colores según la sintaxis para programadores (ya lleva HTML, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, VB por defecto), edición de columnas, ordenación, una barra de herramientas configurable, instalación en la bandeja de la barra de tareas.
Puedes conseguir el diccionario castellano para usar con UltraEdit en la Web del autor. La nueva versión mejora el soporte de FTP y de macros, y corrige algunos bugs.
Ofrece soporte de UNICODE, auto-completado de texto, mejoras en el resaltado de la sintaxis (con estilos de fuentes), soporte para guardar y extraer múltiples elementos del Portapapeles, auto-corrección de palabras clave, la posibilidad de borrar bookmarks y saltar al anterior, soporte integrado de IME, y mucho más.
What a New?
UltraEdit v17.10 Changes (2011-06-03)
Brace Matching advancements
New Jump to matching brace functionality (no selection)
New SearchGoToBrace key mapping item
SearchMatchBrace is now SearchSelectToBrace
Spell As You Type additions
Ability to toggle from toolbar icon
New SpellAsYouType key mapping item
FTP advancements
Ability to clear FTP directory drop down history (added at bottom of drop down list)
Improved Download from server and Download with sync with linked project folders
Last-used FTP directory no longer remembered between instances
Project improvements
Improved relative path handling
Separate Add Folder and Add Group commands
New scripting functionality (the following are all document objects)
gotoPos() Goes to specified position (passed as parameter) in number of chars from beginning of file
gotoPosSelect() Goes to specified position (passed as parameter) in number of chars from beginning of file while making a selection
clearAllBookmarks() Removes all bookmarks from file (also available as new macro command)
isReadOnly() Returns true or false based on whether file is read-only
readOnlyOn() Sets read only attribute for file
readOnlyOff() Removes read only attribute for file
isWordWrap() Returns true or false based on whether word wrap is toggled
wordWrapOn() Turns word wrap on
wordWrapOff() Turns word wrap off
General usability enhancements and advancements
Option to disable file tab tool tips (from file tab context menu)
Ability to hide all toolbars (from toolbar context menu)
List Lines Containing String dialog reports total number of lines found
Lower pane of split explorer view remembers column widths from session to session
XML Convert to CR/LF now available for all files, regardless of extension
Version backup support for UNC file paths
Save as type always remembered in Save As dialog
Improvements for default directory with File -> Open dialog
Version details are now selectable in About
Internal speed/performance and other minor enhancements
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